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Display ads

Display advertising is the most basic form of digital ads and is primarily comprised of images and text. These usually will show up as banners, landing pages, popups, or flash ads on websites and mostly on blogs. The main difference between display ads and the other types is that display ads do not show up on search results. Display ads are typically very affordable and simple to implement.

Email MArketing

Email marketing is an easy way to effectively reach a target audience who is already interested in the business. How? Because users need to opt-in to the email list! It doesn’t cost anything to build an email list, and email marketing managers are usually very affordable. An email list is a collection of a brand’s loyal customers who are guaranteed to be interested to a certain degree. These lists are usually collected when visiting a website and there is a popup asking for an email (which usually the user gets a discount or other promotion in return).

native advertising

Native advertising is similar to display ads; however, they’re more strategic and intentional when it comes to placement and audience targeting. They are sponsored listings that are integrated and camouflaged into the feed. There are four subtypes of native advertising: in-feed (as seen above), search ads, recommendation widgets, and promoted listings. Native advertising is based on audience online habits and history and will show ads that may be relevant to them.

Social MEdia

Social media has become the biggest hub for digital advertising simply because of the large number of users and the ease of audience targeting. As mentioned, a lot of different types of digital marketing crossover with social ads due to the nature of the platform. It is very common to see a display, native, and video ads on social media platforms.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search engine marketing is perhaps the most dependable type of digital advertising because it’s based on keywords that users are already looking for. The two main subtypes of SEM are pay per click (PPC), and search engine optimization (SEO). The most popular SEM platforms include Google and Bing. Even though search engines can show thousands of results, 90% of users will end their search on the first page. That’s why it’s crucial to use SEM and strategize to make sure your listing shows up on the first couple of pages.


video ads

Video ads are the easiest type of digital advertising because it is precisely what it sounds like. It is simply a video promoting a business or product in some way. Video ads can show up as a commercial-esque ad before watching other videos on YouTube, Hulu, or Facebook, or they can be integrated as native or display ads. The example above is a smartphone ad before watching a YouTube video, and a video native ad on Facebook.

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